The Foodie Blogroll

quinta-feira, 23 de julho de 2009

Why Caffeine is put in to a wonderful Camelia Sinesis Plant????

“If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
if you are depressed, it will cheer you;
if you are excited, it will calm you.”

William E. Gladstone quotes (British Statesman and Prime Minister (1868-1894)

for sales inquiry contact


segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009

Caffeine and Tea

What Is Caffeine????

Caffeine was first discovered in tea in 1827, and was named theine. It was later found in mate and various other plants. Eventually it was shown that the theine of tea was identical with the caffeine of coffee, and the term theine was then dropped.

Does Tea Contain More Caffeine Than Coffee?????

While coffee and tea are both sources of caffeine, the amounts of caffeine in any single serving of these beverages varies significantly. An average serving of coffee contains the most caffeine, yet the same serving size of tea provides only 1/2 to 1/3 as much.One of the more confusing aspects of caffeine content is the fact that coffee contains less caffeine than tea when measured in its dry form. The caffeine content of a prepared cup of coffee is significantly higher than the caffeine content of a prepared cup of tea

Tea Black (8oz) 40mg

Tea Green (8oz) 20mg
Tea White(8oz) 10mg

Coca Cola (12 oz can) 34 mg

Pepsi (12 oz can) 38 mg

Barq's Root Beer (12 oz can) 22 mg

Chocolate milk (8 oz) 4 mg

Dark chocolate (1 oz) 20 mg

Milk chocolate (1 oz) 6 mg

What is Decaffeinated Tea??

Decaf tea is any tea that has undergone a process which eliminates most of the caffeine content. Two processes are currently used to commercially decaffeinate tea, an ethyl acetate and a CO2 method. While the ethyl acetate method is cheaper and easier, the CO2 method has been proven much safer. Decaf tea is the perfect alternative for tea lovers who are trying to lower their caffeine intake.

Benefits of Tea

Numerous studies have demonstrated the anti-cancer properties of antioxidant polyphenols. Some studies have suggested that tea's polyphenols may reduce the risk of gastric, esophageal and skin cancers, if one consumes 4 to 6 cups daily. Another study showed that just 2 cups of tea may lower the risk of ovarian cancer by 46 percent in women. Other studies have found that polyphenols help prevent blood clotting and lower cholesterol levels. One Japanese study found that Green Tea lowers death rates from heart Disease.

for sales inquiry contact


quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009

More Tea Secrets

Dear Friends please feel free to contact us if you have any inquiry about Tea Products,Health benefits and more we are delighted to answer for all your question.
Thank you.

terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009

Organic Teas and Ayurveda Teas

Dear Customers you can buy Imporcha Organic and Ayurveda Teas-(Slimming,Destress,Stimulating) from
Rua do Rosário, 1774050-524 Porto
for more information

segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2009



Uma colecção fina de folhas de chá verde e branco enrolados à mão com fio de seda, em torno de arranjos de flores frescas.Estes lindas apresentações de chás são um encanto , quer para o olhar, quer para o paladar.São pequenos bouquets florais que florescem quando são imersos em água.Estes arranjos florescentes foram criados por hábeis artistas na China, que manualmente atavam folhas de chá verde aromatizado com jasmim à volta de flores frescas. O resultado são pequenas bolas de chá com um aroma e sabor adocicado único. Cada bola pode levar 1 a 10 minutos a manufacturar, dependendo dos formatos e tipos de flores. As folhas de chá enquanto húmidas são compostas em forma de bolas, cogumelos, cones e outras apresentações, sendo posteriormente submetidas ao processo de secagem, oxidação e fermentaçao

Recomendámos que use um bule de vidro para que possa apreciar devidamente estes chás. Os chás florescentes podem ser continuamente renovados ao adicionar mais água, sem ficarem amargos .

Eles são o presente ideal para uma pessoa especial da sua vida

Good Luck Bloom
Delicado e delicioso chá verde enrolado à mão em torno de lindas flores de jasmim, florescendo num bouquet maravilhoso, com sabores tropicais e uma rica fragrância.

Flower of Wealth

Delicado e delicioso chá verde florescendo num lindo bouquet de flores de crisântemo com pétalas de malmequer coloridas.

Spring Delight

Delicado e delicioso chá verde florescendo num encantador e colorido bouquet de flores de jasmim e malmequer primaveris.

Seven Fairies

Delicado e delicioso chá verde enriquecido pelo perfume intenso de flores frescas de jasmim, sensorialmente especial.

Para comprar ou comercializar por favor contacte


Blooming Teas or Flowering Teas

Blooming Teas

A finest collection of hand-sewn green and white tea with fresh flowers.
These beautiful display teas are a delight for both your eyes and taste buds. They are mini floral bouquets that bloom when water is poured over them. The blooms have been created by skilled artists in China who hand tie jasmine scented green tea leaves around fresh flower blossoms. The results are small tea balls with a unique sweet scent and flavour. One bloom may take 1 minute up to 10 minutes for sewing depending on the shapes and flowering types. While still moist the leaves are shaped into balls, mushrooms, cones etc and finally the teas go through the usual drying, oxidation and firing process.

Method of Preparation

Place one bloom in a teapot (a clear glass teapot is recommended so you may watch it unfurl). Bring water to a low boil and pour over tea. The tea leaves will unfurl and the tea flower will slowly open. Allow to steep 2-3 minutes, or to desired strength.
After enjoying the first pot, a Flowering Tea may be re-steeped 2-3 more times. The tea you make should be decanted into teacups within a short period of time so that leaves do not remain in hot water, which would adversely affect the fine taste of this tea. Please note that above estimations are based upon a teapot which holds 18-20 ounces.
Alternatively, you can also place blooms in wide mouthed wine glasses and pour 5 – 7 ounces of low boiling water.

1. Good Luck Bloom
Delicate and delicious spring green tea hand-wrapped around beautiful jasmine buds brews a lovely bouquet of tropical flavours and rich fragrance.

2. Flower of Wealth
Delicate and delicious spring green tea brews into a lovery bouquet of chrysanthemum blossom with colorful marigold petals.

3. Spring Delight
Delicate and delicious spring green tea brews delightful and colourful jasmine and marigold flowers reminiscent of spring time.
for sales inquiry contact

domingo, 5 de julho de 2009

Chá Ayurvédico

AYURVEDA TEA- Chá Ayurvedico
A palavra Ayurveda deriva de duas palavras
Ayus - que significa vida e Veda que significa conhecimento ou ciência.

Sendo assim, literalmente a palavra Ayurveda signfica a Ciência da Vida ou Ayus, de acordo com Ayurveda, é a combinação dos sentidos, da mente, do corpo e da alma. Deste modo, Ayuverda não se limita aos sintomas corporais e fisicos, mas também permite um conhecimento compreensivo da saúde espiritual, mental e emocional. O sistema de tratamento tradicional de Ayuverda baseia-se na teoria de equilibrio entre o corpo (físico), a alma (espiritual) e a
mente (o psicológico). As soluções de saúde oferecidas por Ayurveda tornaram-na popular em todo o mundo.

1. Organic Detox Tea-O Chá Orgânico Desintoxicante é uma mistura de produtos herbanários muito conhecidos como alecrim, oregões, condimentos e outros produtos de origem Ayurvédica com Chá Verde puro do Sri Lanka,processado através da tecnologia tradicional chinesa. O sabor suave do Chá Verde é aperfeiçoado com a presença de lima, sementes de cominhos, erva-doce, açafrão e coentros com a sua famosa capacidadde de desintoxicação e refrescando deste modo, o corpo todo.

2. Slimming Tea - O Chá de emagrecimento é o uma mistura de Chá Verde, metodo antigo chinês para emagrecer com um agente de emagrecimento Garcenia. A adição de funcho, sementes pretas e cominhos fortalece o efeito de emagrecimento deste Chá. O valor alto de ervas medicinais usadas neste Chá torna a bebida rica e refrescante.

3. Calming tea - Chá Calmante é uma mistura de Cha Verde através de um antigo metodo chinês com ervas Ayuverdicas naturais tais como Hataawariya e Asmodagam. A adição de limonete torna o Chá bastante suave e cardamomo torna-o distinto e ajuda a manter a frescura. O sabor total é completado com uma pitada de jasmim.

4. De stress Tea-O Chá Verde para o Stress do Sri Lanka é processado com a tecnologia tradicional chinesa misturado com ervas calmantes e anti-stress tal como limonete, gotukola, gengibre, erva-doce, sementes de cominhos e botões de lavanda, de acordo com a receita para fazer este chá exótico anti- stress. O aroma rico, natural e refrescante, e o sabor destas ervas valiosas dão um regozijo de um Chá para relaxar enquanto acalma todo o corpo.

5. Stimulating tea - O Chá Estimulante é uma mistura de ervas Ayuvérdicas colhidas na floresta onde crescem naturalmente com Chá Preto cultivado organicamente nas encostas da região montanhosa do Sri Lanka. Este Chá exótico tem o sabor fresco do Chá Preto cultivado nas terras altas, e subtilmente fortalecido por uma combinação de sabores naturais dado pelas pétalas de rosa, canela do Sri Lanka, cardamomo e coentros.

Se pretende comercializar os nossos produtos por favor contacte


Tea presenter for Hotels,Restaurants,Cafes.Spas and Resorts

"Luxury wooden presenter of Silken PyramidsTeas & Herbal Infusions for
all your
moods and occasions"

Blends-English Breakfast,Bombay Chai,Chamomile lemongrass,Tropical dreams.........



free offer of Box for Hotels-Spas-Resorts....

sábado, 4 de julho de 2009

O Ice Tea é uma das bebidas mais consumidas durante os meses de Verão. Preparar um Chá Gelado ZESTA é muito simples, obtendo-se uma bebida refrescante e saborosa, com todos os beneficios do CHÁ.


1. Para preparar o Chá Gelado ferva àgua e introduza 1-2 saquetas de Chá para cada 200 ml de àgua. A quantidade de saquetas depende do gosto de cada pessoa (mais ou menos intenso). Use um recipiente em plástico, para não partir

2. Deixe em infusão seguindo as instruções da embalagem. Para cada tipo de Chá, diferentes tempos de infusão.
3. Retire as saquetas e adoce com açucar a gosto
4. Adicione gelo
5. Dê largas à sua imaginação e decore com fruta natural, folhas de hortelã, etc…
6. Refresque-se, relaxe e fique muito zen com o seu Chá Gelado Zesta

outros sabores.. Morango, Limão, Manga, Pêssego, Limão & Mel, Gengibre, Caramelo, Masala Chai.........

quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2009

Miracles of Tea

"Tea is the second most common beverage in the world".......second only to water!
All the teas come from the "Camellia Sinensis"plant (Black, Green, Oolong,White) however, there are many "teas" that are infusions of different plants and herbs that have other properties.
There are many various health benefits of tea that vary by the type of tea.

Types of Tea
1. Black Tea-Black tea is the most common type of tea in our culture. It is tasty with milk and sugar, with honey, or by itself. Black tea is a variety of tea that is more oxidized than the Oolong, green, and white varieties. Black tea is generally stronger in flavor and contains more caffeine than the less oxidized teas.

2.Green Tea-Green tea is a type of tea made solely with the leaves of the tea plant that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing. There are many health benefits of green tea.

3.Traditional Oolong Tea-Oolong is a traditional Chinese tea some where between green and black in oxidation. It ranges from 10% to 70% oxidation. Oolong has a taste more akin to green tea than to black tea: it lacks the rosy, sweet aroma of black tea but it likewise does not have the stridently grassy notes that typify green tea.

4. White Tea-White Tea is the uncured and unoxidized tea leaf.White tea is very different in flavor from other teas. The flavor of white tea is far more delicate than other teas. It also has a sweeter flavor than other teas, and is paler in color. In addition, white tea has very little aroma.

5. Rooibos Tea-Rooibos teas are herbal infusions often called "Red tea", made from a South African red bush. Red tea is usually sweet and delicious either hot or iced. These naturally caffeine-free teas are extremely high in antioxidants and typically Vitamin C as well, as they often contain fruit pieces.

What is an antioxidant? An antioxidant is a compound, which retards oxidation. In the body antioxidants can 'soak up' free radicals.

6. Masala Chai Tea or Bombay Chai-We often use the term chai to refer to the spiced tea that is common in India, Srilanka, called masala chai. Masala chai can be made in many variations, but is often black tea mixed with spices such as cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, anise, peppercorn, and ginger etc…

For quality Black,Green,Oolong,White,Rooibios Tea contact imporcha
Do you like to add Milk to your cup of Tea???Lemon???Sweetner???Honey????........